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Thursday 13 January 2011

Thursday 13th January Production Plan

On Thursday we plan to film a considerable portion of our music video. The scenes we intend to film are:
  • QVC scene
  • Babe station scene
  • Big Brother scene
  • Music Channel scene
  • Introduction scene
10:30- We arrived at our location and set up the first scene we intended to film.
We chose to film the big brother diary room scenes in jacks house as opposed to holly's due tofilming restraints.
We filmed Jack,Kane and Joe's scene shorty after.
(jack and will stayed in normal clothes so GIFs are not required)

10:45- We came across a major problem in our filming as Sam our second guitarist sadly had to quit filming due to other commitments. We decided to replace him with out group member Will,and shot his scene in the big brother diary room. We will now how to re film the Children's show due to the fact this was the only scene Sam had been in so far.
This has also put us in a predicament in terms of the Babe station scene as Sam was the only one who was willing to do this scene,so we have decided to cut this and replace it with a short Superhero film style shot.

11:15- We decided to shoot our lost practise shots by strapping a video camera to the front of a bike and do various speeds of running practises.


11:25- Following this we used this technique to film a short Superhero scene with Jack and Joestarring. Only a small amount of this will be used in the final sequence.
(Joe used the same outfit to this as the big brother scene,hence the same GIF)
11:45- We have now began to prepare for our ending pastiche metal scene,we have a pile of various 'metal' and 'punk' pieces of clothing to get into costume and will be using thick make up to go for a style similar to 80s glam rock and death metal.

14.00- We decided the final piece of filming we would do today would be the QVC introduction and the band playing at the start of the video. this was filmed reletively quickly with Will acting as the presenter and a member of the band. We attempted the final scene of each member playing the final chord but this didn't really work out,so the end of our video will now consist of the end of the 'metal' music programme going into a tv fuzz and cutting out.
16.00- Will will film the introduction and outro with his brother at home at a later date this week as we didn't have a good cast type to portray this character.
Our final scenes (vintage cinema and lost) will be filmed next week on tuesday or thursday.

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