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Tuesday 14 December 2010

Kids TV show costume inspiration.

For our kids TV show we wanted it to be instantly recognisable as a childrens show, so we made the two members ofour band, costumes that were based on popular childrens shows,

- Noddy

We used the "Noddy" rosy cheeks and scarf, and used the stylised moustache and hat of "Sporticus".

Thursday 9 December 2010

9/12/10 Editing of Childrens Television Show sequence

9:00am- Today we went through all of the footage from the Kids TV sequence , cutting all the unwanted footage. When we cut it down to the needed sequence, we rendered it and added itinto the exact time to sync the mouth movement on sound from our track.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

7/12/10 Children's Television Show Production Plan

2.00pm- We are preparing our children's television show scene today. We need a set that we can turn into our studio for filming.

2.05pm- We have decided to use a spare computer room within the college to film. We will use the images that we created in a previous lesson as the back drop.


2.30pm- The backdrop has now been put up and we are ready to get our actor's into costume and begin filming.


3.10pm- We have now successfully captured the footage we need, we had to shoot the particular scene as there was a choreographed dance routine that needed a few attempts to get right.

3.30pm- The footage has now been logged and captured onto the computer and added to our master template ready for final editing.

Monday 6 December 2010

Childrens TV show backdrop reseach.

For our children's TV show, we had to think of an idea for the set that would make it reasonably obvious as to what it was and realistic to make as many Children's shows today are bombastic and exuberant. We considered the idea of making a whole set and toyed with the idea of puppets, much like popular TV show "Yo Gabba Gabba," however in the end we thought that this would not be time or cost effective as it involve a lot of preparation and space to able to pull it off while looking good. If it didn't look realistic it would bring down the whole standard of the music video.

We then reflected on our own childhood and looked at presenter-based children programs, such as Milkshake or CITV. These sets were much simpler in design as the backdrops were usually mad out of drawings and pictures sent in by children, as well as the camera rarely moving, incorporating one shot for the entire time of filming. This would be much easier to produce and would look much more realistic with the technology we have available.

We produced our own imitations of children's drawings.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Thursday 25 November 2010

25/11/10 Wildlife Scene Production Plan

9:00am- Today we are working on the Wildlife documentary scene. We shall do a few practice shots and the final sequence. We are still filming this in Will's back garden , this is no different to what we originally planned.

10:00am- We got our actor into costume ready to be our documentary presenter:

Gif Created on Make A Gif

10.30- We arrived at our location ready to film when disaster struck! The camera we were using was not charged up so we had roughly 5 minutes to film. We shot the establishing shot for this scene, however, as it was rushed we may considering re shooting this. We came back inside so we can charge the battery. In the meantime we posted this and we are going to prepare the rest of today's events after this set back.

11.00- After discussions, we decided that the battery was charged up enough to capture the footage we needed. We went out and followed our storyboard roughly but had to make a few minor changes as we weren't able to keep the chickens under control or in one place for too long.

12.00- We have now finished capturing our footage and we are happy with how it looks on the camera. We will not be editing the footage today, however we will add it to the master template.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Moving camera: Dolly test

We created three videos using a dolly, each featuring the subjects at different speeds.

We found that using the dolly wasn't great on the concrete surface as there is little suspension and hard wheels so the result is a very wobbly image.

Change in pace:



Moving camera research

We intend to research how we will shoot possibly the hardest section of our music video; the running scene in our section of lost. we will be using a dolly to attempt to accomplish a straight,stable shot to make it move fast and not shake everywhere,giving a stereotypical hand held camera shot.
Our main inspiration for this shot is the video for Let's Go Surfing by The Drums.

We also came across the problem after filming our dolly exercise(shown in the above blog) of how we could use a dolly shot on a beach as it would be impossible to run the dolly's wheels through sand. The idea of planks of wood to run through were thought of but this would be impractical as they would show in shot as the camera runs back,so we came up of the final idea of shooting it through the back of a car (the same way in which The Drums' video is shot so successfully on a beach) This will give the shot a constant stability once we work out a clear runway for our 'lost 'section to be set.

A similar video which uses this technique very well is Jack Penates' 'Second,Minute or Hour'

We chose to do it as one continuous shot from the front as we felt it would be too difficult to shoot at different angles of the run to make each part look exactly the same as the surroundings could change and the pace of the running may alter as shots go on.

This can be effective as shown in the video to 'On Board' by Friendly Fires,but they are running very slowly in comparison to how we intend to.

Master Template

As we are filming sections of the film in different sections, as if they were mini movies in themselves, we decided to create a master template on Final Cut Pro to add each individual movie.

16/11/10 Newsroom Scene Production Plan

14:00pm- We decided to utilise the fact that the green screen was up in college,so after doing our 'green screen practice test' we decided we will shoot our first part to the music video, 'the news room' section. We did this as it is the only scene in which we needed the use of a green screen and is only 9-10 seconds long,so would be quick and productive towards the project.

14:15pm- Green screen was set up for our use, we set up a bench to turn into a makeshift TV desk and changed into costume and set up props:


14:25pm- We then took a variety of practice shots to prepare ourselves and adapt to the green screen environment.

14:35pm- We did around 5 different takes of the actual shot for the music video,we did this to get to grips with lip syncing. We chose our third shot to be used as the final one to be edited in to our video.

Green screen preparation and practice.

Order of different scenes.

Now we are starting to film, we have cut the song into different sections, each designated to a different television scenario used in our music video.

(Young boy turning on TV in 'real world')

0.00 - 0.11: QVC shopping channel introduction

0.11 - 0.34: QVC shopping channel

0.34 - 0.45: News report

0.45 - 0.56: Wildlife Documentary

0.56 - 1.19: Diary Room - Big Brother

1.19 - 1.39: Lost

1.39 - 1.41: Babestation

1.41 - 2.04: Foreign Cinema

2.04 - 2.27: Kids TV

2.27 - 2.43: Metal music programme

2.43- 2.53: QVC shopping channel
(Young boy turning off TV in 'real world')
These times are subject to change due to potential different styles of filming.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Continued video research.

Amidst all of our current planning into production of our music video we came across both these videos of previous artists who use two ideas from our video and make them look professional in a very successful way.

We can use this videos as templates for inspiration and a good 'how to' on making the effects we intend to use in both our QVC style scene and our Kids show style scene successful.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Lipsync Practice

Mid Project Evaluation

How does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?
We hope to achieve a final product that will be unconventional in the sense that we are not following a typical band promotion music video. However when creating the Digipak and the album artwork we have not strayed too far from a conventional pack as we don't want to ostracize the band from the "indie pop" genre.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I think this was very effective, we have produced a strong branding image, with our band, the blog and the Digipak.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Audience feedback is a very important part of producing anything in the media. Everything done in the media is for the public. Showing our target audience our main plans for production was extremely helpful, it highlighted what was good and what we could edit or add. We learnt that the audience would like to see more background information of our idea and plan.

How have you used new media technologies?
New media technologies give us the opportunity to experiment and be more creative with working up and the making of our final piece. Using software like 'Final Cut Pro' gives us the chances to completely changed and improve our footage. 'Photoshop' lets us design professional digipak.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Creation of Audio and Visual Spotify adverts.

After writing the script for our audio spotify advert, we used a programme called Garage Band to record a low budget, time efficient advert.

We wanted to entice the listener as best as we could and really plug the idea of our digipack. I think that the advert, all in all, is successful and it delivers direct and relevant information regarding the single release.

For the visual advert...

I created two banners as there tends to be two stereotypical adverts seen on spotify.



Here is the horizontal advert as seen in the spotify window:

Script For Spotify Advert

Spotify Advert Research

As we are looking for new and interesting ways to promote our band to our target audience of teens and young adults, we decided that Spotify would be a fantastic platform to advertise the band as it recently has become very popular.

Magazine advert.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Record Company Logo Designs

Following on from the research we did about other existing record labels from similar artists, we decided to create some logos that we could use for our own record label.

The treatment for creating these logos was to keep them quirky and different, encompassing the "indie" genre of music that will appear most on our record label.



Good Shoes' Record Label Research


Good shoes are on the record label, Brille, based in england and distributed worldwide.

Brille records is the current record label Good Shoes are on,and the label they have been on their whole career.
It is a small independent record label based in london whose major artists are The Knife,Good Shoes,Operator Please,Envelopes and Whirlwind Heat. They focus on these five bands mainly,only occasionally releasing the odd single from another small indie band now and again.

The record labels demographic tends to be late teens onwards, of a more specific music fan due to the more diverse stylings of the majority of the bands they release. Good Shoes seems to be slightly out of place in this record label due to this.

Brille's most successful releases to date have been;
The Knife's 'Silent Shout' LP.
Good Shoes' 'Think before you speak' LP.
Operator Please's 'Just a song about ping pong' Single.
and both previous The Knife LPs.
'The Knife' and 'Deep Cuts'

Health and safety while filming.

We need to make sure that during filming each member of our cast and crew are completely safe.
The scenes which require health and safety are: Wildlife show,Lost and Vintage cinema.

we need to take precautions for the wildlife show section as we will be dealing with live chickens. When near the chickens,our cast and crew must wear jackets and gloves and keep all skin covered to avoid any accidents from scratching or biting.

In the Lost scene we must take precaution as we are running across the beach,on a day when it should hopefully be raining,We need to ensure that the area is safe,so we will clear a clean runway for ourselves so know debris or rubbish is in the way that could cause potential harm.
All shoelaces must be tied at all times.

And finally in the Vintage scene,we will be filming on potentially busy roads so must stay aware of all moving cars.

Locations List.

Lost: We will be shooting this scene on Berrow beach,near Highbridge. We are using this area as it is a large open beach next to woods and the sea. It is the best area in our surroundings that looks as close to the set as lost as possible. It is also very desolate,so there will be a lot of space to film without interruption.

Babestation: We will be shooting this scene in Jack's bedroom as it needs a simple room setting and will try to use satin style sheets for that corny 'sexy' look.

Big Brother: We will be shooting the big brother diary room scene in Holly's house,using this chair as the diary room chair as it fits that suitable alternative look they usually go for.

QVC: We will be shooting this scene in Will's living room,due to the wide setting and appropriate props. We also intend to ask his mum to play the character at the beginning of this scene.

Nature show: This will also be shot at Will's house,in his garden. This is as he has chickens and a large garden surrounded by fields fitting with the typical genre stereotype and it is away from other houses giving it that realistic space.

Intro/Boy turning on TV: This is the final shot shot at will's house. We will be doing this as we hope to use his brother as we want to use him as the character in this scene. We may be able to do it at another house as we simply need a one person chair and a television facing it.

Vintage cinema: We intend on shooting this in various outdoor places in weston and maybe in a cafe at one point. The only main criteria is that the buildings surrounding the shot are old and unbranded,we have a few places in mind for this.

Kid's show: This shot will be able to be shot at any of our houses or in college. This is as all it requires is to create a childlike,fun background with drawings etc and the two or more presenters in front of it.

News: This is the only part we are having potential problems with as we want to do this in college somewhere,using a desk and monitors to look like a TV studio. as this is potentially the hardest part to replicate so we will have to continue working on the right placement for this scene.
UPDATE: we learnt the technique of green screen in a previous lesson,so opted on a green screen with a newsroom setting backing as apposed to finding an appropriate setting.

Costume List.

Lost: Ripped clothes and messy hair.
fake blood,sand and mud on the actors so they look as if they are actually in the correct scene.

Big Brother: Dressed in normal clothes,but must be different to those worn in QVC scene,each person will have potential stereotypes that are typical to big brother.

News: Suits and slick back hair and glasses to give a presentable and smart look.

Kids: bright over the top colourful clothing and non branded to give a comfortable children's show theme. Non stop smiling.

Wildlife: Hiker boots,blue shirt,cargo trousers,bodywarmer.

QVC: The band will be wearing normal 'indie' clothing as they are portraying themselves and the female presenter will have to dress smart casual with tv make up to fit the role.

Babestation: Thong, tacky tarty make up.

Old black and white style film: Suits, pencil thin moustache, glamourous female outfit,pearles,vintage make up,slick hair,smart shoes.

Prop List.

Lost Scene: Black cotton wool to create a makeshift 'smoke monster',suitcases and fake guns.

Big Brother Scene: A large interesting looking chair for use as the big brother chair,homemade shirt microphones,Instruments of band members.

Newsroom Scene: Coffee mugs,Papers and laptop for newsreaders to read from.

Kids Show Scene: Homemade child drawings for backdrop,stuffed toys on table (all colourful,non branded)

Wildlife Scene: Some kind of live animal/s.

QVC Scene: Instruments of each band member,microphone.

Babestation Scene: Fluffy pillows and satin sheets.

Old Film Scene: Cigarette holder,cigarettes,an extra to play potential love interest.

Test: Depth of Field Test

When storyboarding our Lost section we wanted to incorporate the idea of scale using the smoke monster, as it is a defining feature of Lost. The smoke monster is very big so we decided to experiment with creating it using the limited resources we have.

As avid watchers of Power Rangers as children we remembered the technique that made the mosters appear large by simply positioning them nearer the camera. The video above shows this.

We created a small study to see if it was possible to achieve this effect.

Monday 18 October 2010

Continuity exercise.

Because we have not filmed for a while we decided hat we would do a few preliminary exercises to get used to angles and the editing process again to create fluent and effective filming.

Thursday 14 October 2010

T.V static effect.

We will be using this t.v static effect for the beginning of the video,and at small sections between each different t.v theme.

EDIT: we may use this effect instead as the sound it comes with is alot more clear.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Animatic of Storyboard.

Unfortunately, due to human error (blind stupidity) the video of our animatic was deleted. Which means we have no record of it.

However, we did create an animatic which showed scenes from our storyboard roughly fitted, in time, with the Good Shoes track. It helped us piece together how long specific scenes would last, what would come where e.t.c. In other projects we have never utilized the potential of the animatic, however it was really successful this time round.


We created sever story boards for the initial scenes we had decided on. The storyboards of only very loosely constructed as a lot of the footage will be continuously shot and then edited in post production to allow perfect sync.

However, we storyboarded the narrative scenes below.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Final TV show ideas.

We have chose 8 different shows to put into our music video,these are:

1. QVC.
2. Lost.
3. Big brother.
4. Babestation.
5. News.
6. Milkshake or alternative kids TV show.
7. Vintage foreign cinema.
8. Wildlife documentry.

We will also plan back ups incase any of these ideas fail.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Initial Treatment

Taking the lyric from the song "I watch T.V because I'm lazy" we have decided to create a music video that incorporates a variety of television shows in a parodic way.

As our video will be, in a sense, made up of sections (each program being a section). Individual treatments will be created for each section.

Feedback of our pitch


As a group we plan to pitch the work we have done to date to the rest of our media class. From this we are hoping to gain feedback which will develop our project further.

We are going to use our blog as a reference whilst pitching our work.

Friday 1 October 2010

Song Lyrics.

I'm the one who makes mistakes
I'm the one who cant say sorry
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm lazy

I'm the one who says goodbye
I'm the one who doesn't have the time
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm lazy

I want to be the one who can dance about
Getting drunk
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm far too lazy

I'm the one who says goodbye
I'm the one who doesn't have the time
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm lazy

I say, Ice Age
Full frontal nudity and
I say, I say
Full frontal nudity and

I'm the one who says goodbye
I'm the one who doesn't have the time
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm lazy

I'm the one who says goodbye
I'm the one who doesn't have the time
I get bored far too easily and
I watch TV cos I'm lazy

I say, Ice Age
Full frontal nudity and
I say, I say
Full frontal nudity and

Be close to the
Age and now
Be close to the
Age and now
Be close to the
Age and now
Be closer to the

Thursday 30 September 2010


We created a template to get a rough idea of how things will be laid out and what will feature on the digipak.
After that we looked through our portfolio of images and selected what we thought would best suit the band. We then took the images and created a vintage wash that has become synonymous with the genre of music.

We also wanted make sure it looked completely genuine, so we made effort to include all the copyright information and include the people involved in creating the record.

The panel that states "Artwork Booklet" will have a small sleeve that will include a booklet of photos relating to and of the band.