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Tuesday 16 November 2010

Moving camera research

We intend to research how we will shoot possibly the hardest section of our music video; the running scene in our section of lost. we will be using a dolly to attempt to accomplish a straight,stable shot to make it move fast and not shake everywhere,giving a stereotypical hand held camera shot.
Our main inspiration for this shot is the video for Let's Go Surfing by The Drums.

We also came across the problem after filming our dolly exercise(shown in the above blog) of how we could use a dolly shot on a beach as it would be impossible to run the dolly's wheels through sand. The idea of planks of wood to run through were thought of but this would be impractical as they would show in shot as the camera runs back,so we came up of the final idea of shooting it through the back of a car (the same way in which The Drums' video is shot so successfully on a beach) This will give the shot a constant stability once we work out a clear runway for our 'lost 'section to be set.

A similar video which uses this technique very well is Jack Penates' 'Second,Minute or Hour'

We chose to do it as one continuous shot from the front as we felt it would be too difficult to shoot at different angles of the run to make each part look exactly the same as the surroundings could change and the pace of the running may alter as shots go on.

This can be effective as shown in the video to 'On Board' by Friendly Fires,but they are running very slowly in comparison to how we intend to.

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