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Monday 11 April 2011

Kane Anson's Evaluation Question Two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

From the beginning we knew we wanted to use the indie genre as the basis to create our music video. We chose this as it was a specific genre each of us in the group were extremely familiar with. I believe that our video represented the ancillary texts very well.
As Good Shoes are not a hugely popular band with a style of music that isn't to fit everyones needs we decided we would create advertisements which follow the same route as bands in the similar genre to these but still make them accessible and interesting to those out of the know of this certain genre.
For our CD cover,we felt we would do something a bit more alternative and follow a style which is very trendy these days in showing vintage photos on your record cover (or at least a photo with a vintage effect on). We took a shot that we taken during the filming of our video of one of the band members shoes. This worked well as it was a pun on the name 'Good Shoes' as well. we then edited it through a vintage filter to look similar to the artwork of the bands similiar to Good Shoes we had previously looked at in this post;

However for our Magazine advert and spotify/itunes adverts we decided to go for a simpler approach of a video still (for the Magazine advert) and a photo shoot of the band (for spotify and itunes) this was to keep them simple and help them be open to an audience of a larger proportion. We also included reviews from certain places that would fit to a certain genre to help draw an audience towards it (Mojo,NME and Q to accommodate the indie fans).
We also made sure that the ancillary was fun to keep with the fun simplicity of the video we created.

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